Brooke Sausser (1)

Brooke Sausser: Services Americans Rely on Every Day Are at Risk

By Brooke Sausser

My first permanent position with the National Park Service was over before it began. It ended with a generic, impersonal copy-and-paste letter mass published to myself and 700 other colleagues.

“The Department has determined that you have failed to demonstrate fitness or qualifications for continued employment because your subject matter knowledge, skills, and abilities do not meet the Department’s current needs, and it is necessary and appropriate to terminate, during the probationary period, your appointment….”

Knowledge? I have a B.S., M.S., and five years of experience in natural resources and planning. I’ve worked as a ranger, researcher, community planner, and conservation advocate.

Skills? I’ve testified at more than 40 public meetings, led 15 grassroots advocacy campaigns, managed a portfolio of more than 50 development permits, and created comprehensive permit review templates that cut the typical onboarding time in half.

Abilities? What I don’t know, I learn, and I level-up every position I ever take.

I recognize I am one of thousands suddenly in this position. What was a competitive market before, just got more competitive. If you know of any opportunities in the Denver area, please let me know. Even if you don’t, I’d love to be connected with like-minded people.

I’d also love for our community to light up the phones in Congress. With so many public servants let go without warning and without cause, the services Americans rely on every day — and our fundamental system of government — are at risk.

This was originally posted by Brooke Sausser on Feb. 16, 2025.