TH Clairemont Town Council D6 Forum 050818

Tommy to Speak on Environmental Communicators Panel

I’ll be participating in a panel discussion at this year’s Environmental Communicators Mini-Conference at the University of Oregon on Thursday, Feb. 29th — Leap Year Day — as part of the kickoff to the 42nd annual Public Interest Environmental Law Conference (PIELC) that weekend.

While there’s a full day’s worth of environmental communications events on the 29th, I’ll be serving in my capacity as communications manager for WaterWatch of Oregon on the “Pitching Journalists and Prepping Spokespeople and Experts” panel from 11 a.m. to 12 noon with colleagues from Earthjustice, the Wilderness Society, the American Bird Conservancy, and Oregon Wild, where I served in a similar communications and media capacity several years ago.

As part of my remarks I’ll draw upon my environmental, policy and political experience, not just from WaterWatch and Oregon Wild, but also my last several years as the lead consultant on the ReWild Mission Bay wetland restoration campaign with the San Diego Audubon Society, my term as a San Diego County Planning Commissioner, service as the founding president of San Diego County Democrats for Environmental Action, my communications work with the Surfrider Foundation San Diego County chapter, my two campaigns for San Diego City Council, and my years as the producer and host of the Treehuggers International environmental affairs program.

The conference is open to the public, but there is a suggested contribution. You’ll also need to register to attend on Feb. 29th. The event will be held at the Erb Memorial Union (EMU), located at 1395 University St. in Eugene on the University of Oregon campus.

Since 1982, the Land Air Water volunteer student group at the University of Oregon School of Law has played host to the Public Interest Environmental Law Conference, which remains the largest public interest environmental law conference in the world. The conference attracts environmental advocates, attorneys, scientists, government officials, and concerned citizens from around the U.S. to collaborate and share information and strategies, and to further environmental and conservation-related policy.

Looking forward to seeing everyone in Eugene on the 29th.

Banner photo of Tommy Hough © 2018 Javier Pastrana, all rights reserved.