
The latest posts about Tommy and our related issues, including original material from Tommy and cited news content.

My Grandfather’s Labor Legacy

September 3, 2018

Today, on this Labor Day, I’d like to reflect on the personal meaning labor has for my family. There was a time when 40-hour work weeks, eight hour days and […]

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The President of Nothing

June 1, 2017

Today, Donald Trump inflicted a grievous wound upon everything the United States has stood for since 1945. Today, instead of maintaining our role as a world leader, free with the […]

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Trump Executive Order Will Subvert National Monuments

April 25, 2017

Throwing all environmental law and conservation policy norms out the window, President Trump signed an executive order on Wednesday directing the Interior Department to conduct a “review” of the establishment […]

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Three Million Pounds of Nuclear Waste – On the Beach

April 17, 2017

It may hard to believe in 2017 that the idea ever went forward, but in the pre-Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima days of 1969, the first reactor of the […]

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Environmental Democrats Hike at the Tijuana River Valley

April 8, 2017

Thanks to everyone who joined us April 8th for our hike into the wetlands of the Tijuana River Valley Estuary – the largest such river mouth in Southern California. While […]

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The Floodgates for Environmental Policy Rollbacks Are Wide Open

February 5, 2017

Ansel Adams famously said in a 1983 interview, “It is horrifying that we have to fight our own government to save the environment.” Unfortunately, that’s the situation we environmentalists find […]

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Demand It: No Rollback of the Endangered Species Act

January 17, 2017

So it’s already comes to this. Perhaps the only place Republicans and too many complacent Democrats expect to see wildlife these days is in zoos or hunting preserves, but it […]

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The Unraveling of Our Conservation Heritage Begins

January 6, 2017

“Do not let selfish men or greedy interests skin your country of its beauty, its riches or its romance.”  –  Theodore Roosevelt I remember writing about ongoing lawsuits over the […]

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Thanksgiving and the Final Weeks of the Obama Era

November 23, 2016

It’s been quite a year, and we have huge challenges facing us in 2017. They will not be easy, and they will test the bonds of the social contracts, long-standing […]

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We Will Show Them Some Spine

November 10, 2016

As the last eight years have abundantly demonstrated, we have much to be proud of in our party and our principles. While we’ve been dealt a terrible blow at the […]

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